What Carriers Don’t Want You To Know About Texting

textingFrom Slashdot – What Carriers Don’t Want You To Know About Texting.  Nice to know how much they charge for something that costs so little!

I’ve read recently that texting is replacing email with the kids.  I was introduced to email in college it still seems like the best way for casual conversations.  I like being to reply on my own time & not being compelled to answer right away…

What’s your preference?  Email, texting, twittering, phone, or good old face-to-face?

30 Skippers Start Non-Stop Around the World Solo Race

The BBC NEWS is reporting the start of a 27,000 mile round the world solo yacht race that left France today.  They also have some interesting info regarding the technology used to complete this incredible journey including a look at a futuristic communications console that the skippers use to navigate around the world.

A Web-Based Air Traffic Control Simulator

ATC-SIM is a web-based air traffic control (ATC) simulator.  it’s all but impossible to play unless you’re a die-hard flight-sim fan or an existing ATC controller looking to improve their skills (let’s hope you really don’t need this!).

You can select the airport, wind & realism levels to suit your fancy.  Let’s just say you don’t want me in the control tower (real or otherwise).

If you’re more interested in real flight tracking be sure to check out Track Flight Status.