Dollar Shave Club

This company has received a lot of coverage on the Internet lately & I ended up giving it a try to see if it’s really worth it or not.  Check out the video below (funny) and the details are below that.

Click image for details on the Dollar Shave Club website

I signed up for the $6 a month plan & will report back after I’ve had a chance to try the blades out.  If these things are any good it’s going to be a big cost savings, especially if I can get other members of the household to sign up too.

Want More Space on Dropbox?

I’ve been a Dropbox user since it first became available.  While I have not completely used up my allocated space when I read this article on LifeHacker I had to give it a try.

How to Get 8GB+ Extra Dropbox Space for Free with Google AdWords

There is a bit of work to get this setup correctly but in just 2 days I’ve already gained an extra 4GB of free storage.  You can get up to 8GB trough referrals.  If you’re looking for more (free) storage on Dropbox It does not get much easier than this.