Our annual company X-Mas party was held last night at the Mariot hotel in Downtown Indy. We always have a great time because this company knows how to through a party! The grand prize this year was an all expense paid trip for two to Porta Vallarta. They also gave out about 100 gifts for this party of 500 people.
This year, along with the normal selection of food and drink, the hotel setup a mashed potato martini bar. I kept seeing people walking by with martini glasses filled with what I thought at the time was some kind of desert. After a few beers I decided it was time to grab a bite to eat. I loaded my plate with meatballs, mushrooms and prime rib and then I saw it…
The Mashed Potato Martini Bar…
Three kinds of mashed potatoes with about a half-dozen sauces as well as the required bacon, butter, sour cream, and chives. Seriously? I did some quick searching when I got home today & found this is a pretty popular buffet item these days.
Well, the jury is still out on this “side item raised to another level”, but I’ll have to admin, it felt pretty ritzy to eat my spuds out of a cocktail glass! Maybe it was the alcohol…
Or you can put some Swedish meatballs in it and “drink” to your heart’s content!