Welcome to IndyScan.com where you can get a little insight into a guy with a lot on his mind. I cover a lot of topics from technology to humor to travel to food. If it’s part of my life, I’m going to write about it here.
As a journalism major, I am passionate about writing. IndyScan.com gives me a place to share my thoughts with everyone, and I always welcome your opinion.
I’m a recovering IT Consultant of 18+ years who made a later-than-mid-life career change into the non-profit sector. I started my interest in computers in the 80s with an Apple IIc and progressed through the Mainframe, UNIX, PC, and Mac world to where I am today.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope the time you spend on IndyScan.com is worthwhile!
I’m always looking for feedback on the site; feel free to contact me: