2022 Week 31 – Fumble!

This last weekend I took another trip down to Cincinnati to celebrate my father’s birthday. It was the first time in over 20 years that I didn’t have my trusty Timbuk2 bag in the back of the car with all my work equipment, “just in case.”

You get used to being on-call, and sometimes, I forget I no longer am. When it clicks, I get a little bit of a rush of freedom, knowing my day/evening/activity isn’t going to get interrupted by a client needing something right then and there.

So the “Football” I’ve been carrying all these years is being retired, and I can’t say I’m sad one bit about it.

While not this big, my bag contained everything I needed to do my job from just about anywhere.

Short post this week as it’s already Monday & I have a full week ahead of me. I didn’t want to break the weekly streak, so I needed to put SOMETHING on here! Longer posts are in the hopper for upcoming weeks.

Matt Mitchel from “It’s a Southern Thing” had a hilarious skit on his channel about what would happen If Fast Food Places Could Meet. Enjoy!

The Bloggess

Every once in a while you find a website that really stands out.  I’m not sure how I came across TheBloggess.com but I’m glad I did.  Jenny Lawson (aka The Bloggess) is about as crackpot as they come, and this is a designation I believe she would appreciate.  Borderline bipolar and definitely a little manic her writing style ranges from casual to hilariously quirky, usually within the same paragraph.

My appreciation for her humor started out with a post on her blog titled “And that’s why you should learn to pick your battles.” [NSFW]  Go ahead & click the link and have a read for yourself (be sure to come back though!).

Beyoncé the metal chicken is just one of many “characters” dreamt up by Jenny.  She also has a fascination with taxidermied animals that died of natural causes (thanks to her father) and dresses them up in clothing that, I assume, she makes herself.  One blog post explained how she traveled with “Hamlet Von Schitzel”, a stuffed mouse dressed like Hamlet who graces the cover of her book.

Recently Jenny published a book (10 years in the making) called “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened” which chronicles her childhood, how she met her husband Victor, and explains how she became who she is today.  The book is already #1 on the NY Times List a week after its release.  I per-ordered the Kindle Edition of the book back in January and when it arrived I couldn’t put it down.  It had me laughing uncontrollably starting with the introduction.

If you’re looking for some offbeat humor from a great story-teller check out TheBloggess.com.

Happy Festivus!

If you’re tired of the over-commercialization of the Christmas holiday maybe its time you celebrate Festivus!

Although popularized in 1997 by the Seinfeld show it originated in 1966 and was dreamed up by Dan O’Keefe.  Traditional Festivus activities include  “Airing of Grievances” and “Feats of Strength”.  The traditional “Tree” has been replaced by a non-decorated aluminum pole.

Just another way to have fun during the holidays.  Oh yeah, by the way…  Christmas is 2 days away, have you finished your shopping, wrapping, decorating yet?