Hundreds of Full-Length Movies Are Reappearing on YouTube

images-1Interesting article on Gizmodo that talks about how Hundreds of full-length movies are showing up on YouTube.  Some of these movies are still in theaters.  In case you’re interested Reddit has a page that lists the movies with direct links to the content on YouTube.  I can’t imagine these will stay on the site long & I’m really surprised YouTube has not gotten smacked around by the movie studios!

No Saturday Mail delivery? Fine by me!


Earlier this week the United States Postal Service (USPS) announced it would stop Saturday mail delivery in August and that’s just fine by me.  I say cut it down to 2-3 days a week.

I go to my mailbox a few times a week and it’s full of advertising inserts, credit card offers and stuff I never even look at.  I pay my bills online and I rarely, if ever, send any kind of written correspondence, and I’m sure I’m not alone.  As a matter of fact, I hate all of the waste generated by direct mail marketing.  I didn’t ask for this stuff but I have to take care of getting rid of it…

The USPS is supposed to be able to pay for itself with the fees it charges to use its service but after being “forced” to take a HUGE loan to pre-fund its union pension program it’s become under water to a tune of $15-billion.  Yet another example of how unions are not good for business anymore (that’s another post all together).

So far I have not read a lot of complaints about the USPS decision.  I think it’s just a sign of the times and probably not the first reduction of service we’ll see in our lifetime.