This is the third and final installment of my favorite Blogs and RSS reeds on the Internet. This is a small sample of the other sites I follow. Everything from comedy to crackpots to cigars. I hope you find something new in the list.
FAIL Blog – If you like seeing people paying the price for stupid actions this is the site for you. There’s usually some pretty good signage mistakes too.
The Oatmeal – I’m really not into modern-day cartoons and comics (Dilbert is lost on me & The Far Side no longer exists) but this guy hits my funny bone just about every time. Fair warning, these are usually not kid friendly or safe for work.
David Allen Company – In my opinion Getting Things Done (GTD) is the best life management system ever created. I started with the book, attended the seminar, and intently read every newsletter from the David Allen Company. This guy is a former hippie (for lack of a better term) turned entrepreneur and productivity demigod. If you are looking for an alternative to all of the other systems, give this one a try. It’s been truly life changing for me.
The Art of Manliness – From shaving to shoe shining to being a better man, this site has it all. Sometimes it’s a little “old fashioned” but the articles are well written and have a lot of good content. This concept would make a great magazine.
ThinkGeek : What’s New – The premier geeky toy store in the internet. It’s also one of the best sources for everything caffeine (and bacon) related. Where else can you buy Caffeinated Marshmallows?
Cool Tools – Not as active as it once was but you can still learn about such things as the Bombproof laptop case and Dependable soldering irons.
No Agenda – This podcast stars former MTV VJ Adam Curry & and tech columnist John C. Dvorak. It covers mainstream and not so mainstream media. Always good for a laugh and exposure to a new conspiracy theory.
Daily dose of imagery – As a photo hobbyist I always enjoy seeing other peoples work. More often than not I get inspiration from these images.
Every Day Carry – I always called it “Being Prepared” but there’s a cult following to the Boy Scout motto. This site posts user submitted images of their EDC items. From watches to knives to guns, it’s all there. I’ve found a few neat tools on this site that I’ve added to my daily carry.
Cigar Aficionado – The website is a treasure trove of information to the cigar enthusiast. Just about all of their back issue articles are online and the review database is a great resource.
So there you go, some of the more non-traditional items that pique my interest. If you have read all three posts you can probably put together a more accurate picture if me and my lifestyle. There’s a few things you probably don’t know about too. Stick around and check the blog for future posts.