Politics and Social Media

With advent of social media its now easier than ever to speak your mind.  The other night while watching President Obama’s State of the Union Address (one of the few presidential speeches I watch regularly) I could not help but notice the increased amount of ‘chatter’ on Facebook and Twitter.  Some of it funny, some of it supportive, some of it political and some of it nasty.

I’m sure there were a few “un-friendings” and “un-follows” because of differing political views and statements.  I actually like to hear what other people have to say.  It helps me better understand who they are as a person and so far I have not seen anything that I would particularly take offense to .  I may disagree with the opinion or statement but that’s my right to do so.

These disagreements are not new to society but using social media as a platform to voice your opinion exposes you to a larger audience and the potential to reach (or offend) a lot more too.  I can’t wait until the elections roll around.  it’s going to be interesting to read what people are saying and hop other people react to it!



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