I was cleaning up the Blog today & realized this version of IndyScan.com came online just over 10-years ago.
A LOT of things have changed since then, especially when I look at the technology posts. Back then I was using the Palm Treo and transitioning to the Blackberry. When the iPhone was first adopted at my company I was one of the last holdouts to turn their Blackberry in. I still miss that keyboard sometimes…
10-years ago the world was a different place. We were still pretty sore from the 9/11 attacks and a 512 GB SSD drive was about to be released to the general public. Tech has changed SO MUCH that it’s really hard to believe where we are now (self driving cars!?!).
I have a few draft posts I’m working on including an update on the cord cutting project. I added some new things to round out the setup and make it even better.
More to come soon!