I’ve been posting a lot of reviews on IndyScan.com and I realized I had never taken the time to explain why I’m doing it. First of all, I only review things I like. I don’t waste my time complaining about things I don’t like (there are lots those too)
If you see a review on IndyScan.com it’s going to be about something I like and I want to share it with others. It might be a product, restaurant, video, etc. It’s on this site because I want you to know about it.
Now I do have a Rant category and I use it for just that. I guess you could call it a negative review but hey, it’s my site and I get to choose (ha).
I thought about this as well, but the posts that I seem to bitch a lot in seem to be the most popular. Grumpy young man persona seems to fit. However, I have mellowed in my old age.
I’ll have to admit I do like your grumpy posts…