I’m not one for New Years resolutions (mainly because I forget I made them) but I’ve seen a lot of “projects” online that revolve around doing something (mostly photos) once a day for the entire year.
I’m going to challenge myself to publish 365 +1 (leap year this year) blog posts in 2012. So far so good, it’s January 14th & this will be my 15th post of the year. I got a little carried away on January 7 and posted 2 items in one day.
I commented on Facebook the other day I was running out of ideas, even though I had 27 draft posts in the queue… Some of those 27 will get published but many will end up being deleted because they are no longer relevant or I can’t find enough to write about to make it worth posting.
Happy 2012 to all & I hope you have as much fun reading the 365 +1 posts as I’m going to have writing them.