The Bloggess

Every once in a while you find a website that really stands out.  I’m not sure how I came across but I’m glad I did.  Jenny Lawson (aka The Bloggess) is about as crackpot as they come, and this is a designation I believe she would appreciate.  Borderline bipolar and definitely a little manic her writing style ranges from casual to hilariously quirky, usually within the same paragraph.

My appreciation for her humor started out with a post on her blog titled “And that’s why you should learn to pick your battles.” [NSFW]  Go ahead & click the link and have a read for yourself (be sure to come back though!).

Beyoncé the metal chicken is just one of many “characters” dreamt up by Jenny.  She also has a fascination with taxidermied animals that died of natural causes (thanks to her father) and dresses them up in clothing that, I assume, she makes herself.  One blog post explained how she traveled with “Hamlet Von Schitzel”, a stuffed mouse dressed like Hamlet who graces the cover of her book.

Recently Jenny published a book (10 years in the making) called “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened” which chronicles her childhood, how she met her husband Victor, and explains how she became who she is today.  The book is already #1 on the NY Times List a week after its release.  I per-ordered the Kindle Edition of the book back in January and when it arrived I couldn’t put it down.  It had me laughing uncontrollably starting with the introduction.

If you’re looking for some offbeat humor from a great story-teller check out

Real Life Weekend at Bernie’s

This is just bizarre (and pretty sick).  I’m surprised these guys just got probation!

The two Denver men who commanded national headlines—and sparked the obligatory Weekend at Bernie’s jokes—last summer after taking their friend’s corpse out for a night on the town struck a plea deal this week that will keep them out of prison. [MORE]