Haircuts & T-Shirts

I went to the Sports Themed place near my office for a haircut. The dude did a good job but I was itching like crazy all the way home!

This got me wondering… Why didn’t the whole Flowbee thing take off? I mean it’s such a great idea for people who don’t want to have to run home and take a shower after a haircut… I would gladly pay extra for a barber who can not only cut my hair the way I want it but also make it so I don’t have to deal with a million little pieces of hair on my face/ears/neck!

I always like those logo tees. Here’s a site that has a ton of unique ones (think X-Mas Gift!) I wear a Medium (hint hint).

First Post!

Well after several years the IndyScan domain is alive again. Some of you might remember years ago this site was a huge source of radio scanner info.

I’ve since moved on (lots of other distractions were keeping me from the hobby) to bigger and better things. I still have a lot of the old scanner equipment (gathering dust at the moment) and hope to get it back on-line when my kids get a little older. I think it’s something they might enjoy.

Anyway, welcome to the few of you who will actually read this.