Personal Goal – 365+1 Posts in 2012

I’m not one for New Years resolutions (mainly because I forget I made them) but I’ve seen a lot of “projects” online that revolve around doing something (mostly photos) once a day for the entire year.

I’m going to challenge myself to publish 365 +1 (leap year this year) blog posts in 2012.  So far so good, it’s January 14th & this will be my 15th post of the year.  I got a little carried away on January 7 and posted 2 items in one day.

I commented on Facebook the other day I was running out of ideas, even though I had 27 draft posts in the queue…  Some of those 27 will get published but many will end up being deleted because they are no longer relevant or I can’t find enough to write about to make it worth posting.

Happy 2012 to all & I hope you have as much fun reading the 365 +1 posts as I’m going to have writing them.

The WordPress Game Show – Jeopardy Style

I’ve been using WordPress (WP) for a while now & thought I knew all of the ins and outs. After playing this game I’ve discovered I still have a lot to learn.

Click the image to play the game for yourself!

I’m thinking about changing the look and feel of the Blog again.  Unfortunately I can’t seem to find a theme that I completely like.  That’s where the flexibility of WordPress comes in; I can design my own!  Now I just need to set aside the time needed to research, develop, test and implement.


Mobile Blogging – SO Close!

Since the beginning of this blog I’ve been looking for ways to use technology to write more. I don’t always have the laptop with me but my Blackberry never leaves my site.  What else do you need, right?  well, it’s not that easy…

The folks at WordPress have released the latest version of their mobile application and it seems to resolve some of the issues I was encountering when attempting to update the Blog when on the move.  While the Blackberry app is functional I’m finding the iPhone (iPod touch in my case) is a little more streamlined for quick blogging on the go.  I just can’t quite get used to the virtual keyboard on the IOS devices…

With either mobile platform the addition of graphics to the post is more difficult and, unless you remember all of the HTML tags, formatting can be a little tricky.  There are ways to publish via email, and that might be worth pursuing more.

In the end, nothing really beats sitting down with the laptop and being able to visualize the blogging process.  I find myself using the mobile devices to capture blog post ideas and subjects and finishing/publishing the post from the laptop.  Perhaps that’s where I need to concentrate my efforts…

Hey Bloggers, what tools are you using?  I’m especially interested in hearing from the local food bloggers.  Are you writing your reviews while mobile or using the computer when you return from your visit?